In Chapter 802 of One Piece, called “Zou,” a strange couple is brought into the story. The first was a strange-looking man named Edward Weevil. He said he was Whitebeard’s real son. Miss Buckin, who said she was Weevil’s mother, was also there.
Now, though, the story of One Piece has added a few more pieces to the puzzle. Fans have come to a new idea about Weevil after hearing about Miss Buckin’s past and cloning. The conclusion is that he is not Whitebeard’s son but a failed clone of him.

This theory started with a story about a woman named Miss Buckingham. Chapter 1072, “The Weight of Memory,” showed that Buckingham Stussy of the Rocks Pirates was a clone of Stussy of CP0. Also, it was said that she was the first successful clone of the scientific group MADS, which no longer exists. By this time, many fans were sure that Stussy was meant to be a copy of Miss Buckin.
In Chapter 1073, “Miss Buckingham Stussy,” the link was made clear. Now that we know almost everything about Miss Buckin’s past, we can better understand where Weevil came from.
Much of what has been shown in Chapters 1072 and 1073 points to Weevil being a failed clone. If Miss Buckin used to be a Rocks Pirate and was in MADS, that could explain how she got pregnant with Weevil. She might have taken Whitebeard’s DNA and tried to make a clone with it, or she might have impregnated herself. She was never as good a scientist as her peers, so whatever she did must not have worked, and she ended up with Weevil. Since Dr. Vegapunk is a perfectionist, he likely didn’t see Weevil as a successful clone.
This theory isn’t substantial, but it would explain a lot. It would explain why Miss Buckin says Weevil is Whiteberd’s biological son and why she says Vegapunk can confirm it. At the very least, the fact that she worked with the Rocks Pirates and MADS shows that she could have had Weevil without Whitebeard’s help. This explanation doesn’t hurt Whitebeard’s reputation and fits with Miss Buckin’s image as a freeloader who stretches the truth.