One Piece 1080: Shanks fails, and Oda confirms that Kid will return to kill Akagami.

Akagami Shanks 2

In One Piece 1080, Eiichiro Oda finally hints at what’s happening with Eustas Kid. In One Piece 1080, it was said that Kid was still alive after being hit by Akagami no Shanks’s crushing move. Even the present Kid will kill Shanks to get his own back. So, how can Kid live after Shanks killed him with his attack? Here’s One Piece 1080’s big surprise.

When Kamusari Shanks hit Kid, many people thought he would die. But some people also think that Kid can make it through the attack. Before he finally killed a character in One Piece, Oda had an enjoyable practice. Most of the time, there will be a memory in the chapter where the character dies, like what happened to Whitebeard in chapter 576.

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In that part, there is a flashback to Roger and Whitebeard discussing the last island. The same happens when Yasuie dies in chapter 942, and Oda often does this before a central character dies. The next trend is that when essential characters die, their dead bodies will be shown in a very iconic way. For example, Shirohige’s body was still strong after he died. Then there was Ace, who was smiling when he died. Oda’s characters often say their last words right before they die, which is another thing he often does.

But the question words are not just words; they have much to say. For example, Whitebeard and Roger yell that One Piece is real. Then, Ace told Luffy how much he loved him in his last seconds.

Unlike the cases above, when Shanks Kid was about to cut him, he just said, “What? So it would be bizarre if those were Kid’s last words before he died.

Then, in the last hint, Kid and Killer talked about someone with burns, and most of us thought it was Jaguar D. Saul. Because the person who gets burned and Saul’s return happen simultaneously. It would be bizarre if it was just an accident and Oda didn’t have any surprises planned for this.

If Kid dies in the end, why would Oda show people with burns first? Not only that, but we all know that Oda always fakes deaths and has done it a lot. From Saul to Kinemon to Sabo, the worst case is the one about Sabo. Sabo is the only person Oda seems to have killed more than once.

The first time was when Sabo was a child, and the last was when Im Sama destroyed the Lulusia Kingdom, where Sabo hid. So it’s not strange that Kid suddenly looks like he’s been saved. The Kid is Luffy’s rival with Law, so it makes sense that Oda has more future shocks in store for him. The Kid’s hatred for Shanks will be impossible to stop once he wakes up; this time, he will want to kill Akagami.

Kid’s present situation was all discussed in One Piece 1080.

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