Eiichiro Oda just told us what will happen to Nefertari Vivi next in One Piece 1075, which is a new surprise. This is because, in One Piece 1075, Vivi will join the Straw Hats. Vivi will not only become a member of the Straw Hats, but she will also get the Mythical Zoan devil fruit. Then, in One Piece 1075, why did Luffy accept Vivi, and how did he get the power of the Mythical Zoan devil fruit? This summarizes what different sources have to say about One Piece 1075.
In the last chapter, Oda finally confirmed what Nefertari Vivi said about what was happening. It turned out that he was with Morgans and Wapol and was still in good health. If you had seen Wapol’s face yesterday, you might have thought that he and Vivi were hiding from the World Government. And the Morgans’ airship is a great place to hide.
Morgans are keeping an eye on what is going on on Egghead Island, so Vivi’s appearance with him raises many questions. Specifically, rumors about Vivi coming back to meet Luffy and the other Straw Hats. Also, the Straw Hat crew knew that King Cobra had died because they had read about it in the newspaper. Vivi will likely become one of the Straw Hats’ nakama for many reasons.
The first is about how Luffy says the names of his nakama. Most of the time, Luffy will call out someone else’s name even if it isn’t his. Like Yamao for Yamato and Torao for Law. While Luffy will say the terms of his Nakama correctly, such as Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, and so on. In the Alabasta Arc, it was interesting that Luffy got Vivi’s name right. Oda is obviously dropping a hint here about whether Vivi will become Luffy’s Nakama.
But Vivi is still too weak to join the crew of Yonkou Luffy. The Straw Hat Pirates’ strength has gotten better, especially since Wano. Like how Luffy got to Gear 5, Zoro can now finally use Haoshoku Haki on his sword. Then Sanji got exoskeleton cells from Germa and woke them up, Robin, who can turn into a giant, and Nami, who has Zeus. So, when Vivi joined the Straw Hats, how did Oda make him stronger?
The answer is that Dr. Vegapun will sail with the Straw Hats and help them. He can increase someone’s strength in at least two ways: with scientific weapons and with an artificial devil fruit, after successfully copying Kaido’s Mythical Zoan devil fruit. Dr. Vegapunk made another Mythical Zoan devil fruit.
Oda once showed a panel with another devil fruit besides Uo Uo no Mi Kaido. This indicates that this is true. If Vivi could get one of the Mythical Zoan’s abilities, her strength would go up immediately.
That is what One Piece 1075 had to say about Vivi joining the Straw Hats and getting the Mythical Zoan devil fruit. Vivi’s role in the Straw Hats in One Piece 1075 will be confirmed by Oda.