One Piece 1075: Crazy Auto! This is why Wapol is on the run from the world government.

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The release of One Piece 1075 is imminent. Naturally, fans count down the days before One Piece 1075 is released. One Piece 1075 will be worth the wait, and the revelation in chapter 1074 will add to the excitement.

The reasons behind Wapol’s flight from the World Government are one of the story threads worth waiting for in One Piece 1075. Wapol is seen in Chapter 1074 hanging out with Vivi and Morgans aboard the World Economic Journal.

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According to a sportskeeda online report, Wapol was in on a secret at Reverie. This could be connected to a state secret that the Global Government would like to remain hidden from public view. To avoid being caught by the World Government, Wapol may know one of two things. The first thing on Wapol’s mind is undoubtedly the news of Cobra’s death, the King of Alabasta. It was rumored that Sabo had eliminated Cobra. Still, there is no proof of this; thus, this report should be treated cautiously. Perhaps the World Government is using Sabo as a convenient scapegoat for the murder of Cobra.

If Wapol understands that Cobra’s killing was connected to the World Government, he will be targeted for elimination. Moreover, at the moment, Wapol is also with Vivi, Cobra’s daughter; thus, this possibility could materialize.

The second piece of information that Wapol might have is Whereabouts. M Perhaps in Wapol’s mind, I represent the World Government’s vacant throne. If this is the case, Wapol may end up in the same place that Sabo did on Lulusia Island.

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