Law’s Goal as Luffy’s New Crewmate Revealed in One Piece 1087

Laws Goal Luffys New Crewmate One Piece 1087

Since the destruction of his pirate ship and his defeat by Blackbeard, Law’s return to the Straw Hats crew seemed likely. Guided by Bepo, Law was taken towards the central-eastern route, the same path Luffy had taken after leaving Wano Kuni. Currently, they find themselves on Egghead Island. As Law’s navigator, Bepo had to bring his captain to Egghead Island to seek refuge with Luffy. What awaits Law as he reunites with the Straw Hat crew?

A Potential Addition to the Straw Hat Crew

It is highly possible that Law, lacking a ship and a place to call home, may willingly become the 11th member of the Straw Hat crew following Jinbei’s recent addition. Both Law and Luffy share similar goals as members of the D Clan.

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Previously, Law decided to end their alliance since their objective of bringing down Kaido had been accomplished. Now, Law’s primary focus is to uncover the true meaning behind the “Will of D” and the history of the Void Century concealed by the World Government.

Law’s presence on Luffy’s ship brings to mind the conversation between Ivankov, Dragon, and Sabo when discussing Saint Imu. Ivankov mentioned that Saint Imu possesses a power enabling an unnaturally long life since the Void Century. The only confirmed technique capable of extending one’s lifespan is the ultimate move of the Ope Ope no Mi, known as the “Eternal Youth Operation.”

If Im Sama possesses this ability, Law’s role within the Straw Hat crew becomes crucial. One possible scenario envisioned by Oda is Law using the Ope Ope no Mi to perform the Eternal Youth Operation on Saint Imu, but such a task would come at the cost of Law’s own life.

Unveiling the Truth and Taking on the World Government

It is plausible that the Eternal Youth Operation can only be revoked through the sacrifice of the Ope Ope no Mi user’s life. If the Eternal Youth Operation is removed from Saint Imu, Luffy would be capable of defeating and potentially eliminating the primary enemy of the World Government.

Should Oda truly make Law the 11th member of the Straw Hat crew, it would be incredibly intriguing to witness his actions alongside Luffy in One Piece 1087.

In conclusion, Law’s return to the Straw Hats crew strengthens their ranks and unveils a grand plan to challenge the World Government. With Law’s expertise and the potential manipulation of the Eternal Youth Operation, Luffy’s crew stands a chance against the powerful forces that seek to control the world. One Piece 1087 promises an exciting and pivotal chapter in the epic journey of the Straw Hat crew.

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